In reference to the incorrect information titled “Net profit of Mercator Medical increased YOY to PLN 3.12 million in Q…
Statement concerning an incorrect press release of 16.05.2016
In reference to the incorrect information titled “Net profit of Mercator Medical increased YOY to PLN 3.12 million in Q1 2016”, which appeared on 16 May 2016 on (Informacyjny Serwis Biznesowy) and which was repeated, among others, on the following websites:,,,,,,,,, we would like to explain that in this information, data for Q1 2015 has been exchanged with data for Q1 2016 resulting from the consolidated quarterly report of Mercator Medical S.A. for Q1 2016.
According to the consolidated quarterly report of Mercator Medical S.A. for Q1 2016 published on 16 May 2016, the Mercator Medical Group recorded PLN 2.58 million of consolidated net profit allocated to shareholders of the parent company in Q1 2016 against PLN 3.12 million of profit in Q1 2015. The Group’s consolidated revenues from sales increased to PLN 59.42 million in Q1 2016 against PLN 47.88 million in the previous year. Operating profit rose to PLN 4.28 million against PLN 3.61 million in the previous year.
On a separate basis, net profit in Q1 2016 amounted to PLN 0.84 million against PLN 1.91 million in the previous year.
At the same time, we encourage you to read the entire Q1 2016 report.
Kind regards,
Monika Sitko
Vice President of the Management Board